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Bidder - An Auctioned to the Billionaire Romance (Criminal Passions Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  “We’ve been slowly getting to know each other,” Logan said. “When Terri said she was coming here, I offered to drive her. I didn’t want her making the trip on her own. How is your husband?”

  Terri pursed her lips at him, but he acted like he didn’t notice.

  “He’s alive.” Donna sighed. “He hit his head pretty bad, and the doctor was worried about brain damage, but it looks like he’s in the clear there.”

  “What else?” Terri’s heart squeezed up. “What other injuries does he have?”

  “A broken arm, plus several cracked ribs and a sprained ankle.”

  Terri nodded. It could have been much worse. Her dad wasn’t exactly a spring chicken.

  “I was just talking to Charlie,” her mom went on. “He’s still in the city, but he’ll be here soon as he can. He’s so busy, you know. He has such an important job.”

  Terri blinked. Was that supposed to be a jab at her for quitting her job to travel?

  “We can go in and see him.” Her mom patted at her forehead. “But you have to be nice. You can’t work him up.”

  “I won’t get him worked up, Mom.”

  She nodded absently, like she hadn’t even heard what Terri said.

  “Where are you staying? You should stay at the house.” Donna’s words—and smile—were directed at Logan. “It’s not much, but there’s the guest room you two can stay in.”

  So she definitely thought Logan was Terri’s boyfriend. And for some reason, he wasn’t doing anything to correct her.

  “We haven’t discussed our plans yet,” he said, “but thank you very much for the offer.”

  “I want to see Dad,” Terri sighed. “Then we’ll figure it out.”

  The day already felt so long, and it wasn’t even dark yet. Getting someplace where she could put her feet up and relax sounded like a dream, but staying at her parents’ house would be less than ideal.

  “I’ll wait out here,” Logan said. “Take your time.”

  “Oh, I’ll wait with you.” Donna took a seat in one of the blue-cushioned chairs and patted the one next to her. “We can get to know each other.”

  “Great,” Terri said through a tight smile. “Be back soon.”

  The hospital being as small as it was, she was able to find her dad’s room easily with the help of a nurse. Except he was asleep, salt-and-pepper head resting on a pillow and snoring intermittently.

  Other than the arm in a cast and a bruise on one cheek, he didn’t look too bad—certainly not as bad as she’d expected him to look. She suddenly wished she’d stopped to get him flowers or a “get well soon” card. That way he’d have something from her when he woke up. She’d been in such a rush to get there, though.

  Well, he was alive and kicking. The anxiety her mom had expressed when she called Charlie must have been over the possible brain damage. Now that it looked like that wouldn’t be an issue, everyone could breathe easier.

  Shutting the door as quietly as possible, she went back to the waiting room, where her mom and Logan still sat chatting. The sight of them together planted a ball of ice in her stomach.

  Bringing Logan home might have been a bad idea. They hadn’t solidified a cover story. Instead, they’d spent the drive good-naturedly arguing over radio stations and discussing the pros and cons of different fruits. On top of that, Charlie would be there soon, and then everything would come to a head.

  Unless she and Logan left right away. Dad seemed well enough, and—

  “Oh, Terri.” Her mom stood. “Logan said that you two can spend the night at the house. I really appreciate it. The cats need to be fed, and I should really stay here at the hospital. Just to be safe.”

  Donna wrung her hands. It wasn’t a false show of concern. Terri could tell she was really worried. What had happened to her husband had shaken her, and she needed help.

  Apparently, Logan had seen it too. But his offering to stay and help out shocked Terri. That didn’t sound like him at all.

  Terri kept her mouth closed, choosing instead to raise her eyebrows at Logan. Was this what he really wanted?

  “We already drove all the way out here,” he said. “It’s the least we can do, staying a bit and helping out. Don’t you think?”

  Terri wet her lips. “Charlie will be here soon.”

  “I know.” He nodded once.

  “Charlie can sleep on the couch,” Donna said. “It folds out. Remember?”

  “Yeah.” Terri cleared her throat. “I remember.”

  “Wonderful. The key is in the same spot, and there’s casserole in the fridge. You know that Biscuits needs his wet food mixed in with the dry, right? Otherwise he won’t eat it. But May’s not picky.”

  “Okay. Got it.”

  “Can we bring you anything here?” Logan asked Donna.

  “Oh, no. I’m fine.” She patted his shoulder. “You’re the best. Go and get comfortable. I’ll call if anything changes.”

  Terri stayed quiet as the two of them walked across the waiting room. The second the front doors closed behind them, though, she turned on Logan.

  “What were you thinking?” she demanded. “You seriously want to stay here?”

  He stopped walking. “You don’t? She needs help.”

  “Charlie,” was all she said.

  “You said yourself that you’ll take care of that.” Suddenly, he reached out and put both his hands on her shoulders. “We’ll take care of it. You don’t need to deal with anything alone.”

  Terri let out a pathetic little noise that made her want to shake herself. He’d caught her freaking out, which had been a slip-up on her part.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Of course. I have it under control. Come on.” She jerked her head at the car. “Biscuits and May await.”

  “How was your dad?” he asked as they got into his car.


  Her hands shook a little as she buckled up. The full shock of what had happened to him was only beginning to hit. Even though she didn’t visit home much and had her issues with her parents, she loved them. The thought of losing either one of them early was a dagger to the heart.

  They didn’t speak much as they drove to the house she grew up in, except for her pointing and giving directions. It felt strange being back in Girard. Which was nothing new. Every trip home felt like entering the twilight zone. When she was there, the years that had passed fell away and she became a little girl again.

  “It’s, um, right up here.” She pointed down the street lined with mill houses built in the middle of the last century.

  The homes were small, one-story buildings with modest yards. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel weird about bringing Logan there. What would he think about the home she grew up in?

  He pulled into the driveway, making sure to leave room next to his car for another one. The shadows were elongating, stretching across the freshly mown yard.

  “Home sweet home,” she said, only because she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “I’m excited to see your childhood room.” Logan closed his car door with a grin.

  She shook her head at him over the roof. “It’s cleared out. You won’t find much that’s reminiscent of me. I think Mom consolidated all my things into one or two boxes.”

  “Old diaries?” Logan said hopefully.

  “Maybe one or two.” She smiled, surprised to find he was actually making her feel better.

  The spare house key was under a ceramic squirrel next to the hose. Wiping the dirt off it, Terri climbed the cement porch steps and let them into the house.

  The familiar smells of the vanilla candles her mom loved and the pine cleaner she used met them first. Stepping into the house, Terri flipped on the living room lights. A black cat reclining on the couch caught sight of them and ran down the hall.

  “Which one is that?” Logan asked, his breath tickling the back of her neck.

  A delicious zing traveled through Terri. Did he have any clue how close he was

  “Um, that’s… that’s Biscuits. The picky one.”

  A meow made them both look down. A small gray cat rubbed its side against first Terri’s legs and then Logan’s.

  “And that’s May. She goes with the flow.”

  “Hey, May.” Logan picked the animal up, which meant instant purring.

  “She sheds,” Terri warned, reaching around him to close the front door.

  “Oh, I don’t mind.”

  “Really?” she chuckled. “I thought the only kind of creatures you liked would be in tanks.”

  “I like them all.” He had already turned May on her back and was bouncing the happy kitty in his arms like she was a baby. “Show me your old room.”

  “Okay.” A ball of anxiety forming in her stomach, she walked down the hall.

  Her mother clearly still thought the two of them were a couple. For some reason, Logan had offered a vague answer to that, which had done nothing to correct her. So if they were staying in the guest room, formerly known as Terri’s room, they’d have to figure out the sleeping arrangements.

  Would it be mean to make him sleep on the floor? Because she didn’t think she’d get a wink of sleep with him right next to her all night long.

  “Here it is.” She waved her hand at the guest room while hovering in the doorway.

  The formerly purple walls had been painted a light blue, and the twin bed she’d spent years in had been replaced with a full-sized one. In the closet, assuming they were still there, were two boxes of Terri’s things. Softball trophies. Jewelry she’d beaded. School yearbooks. And, yes, a few journals.

  “You weren’t kidding.” He looked over her shoulder. “It looks like a hotel room. Is this where we’re staying?”

  She ducked her face. “Yep.”

  “Hm,” was all he said.

  May meowed pitifully.

  “The cats need to be fed,” Terri said. Eager to have a reason to walk away from Logan, she pushed past him and made tracks for the kitchen.

  Biscuits waited in the corner, hunched near the food bowls on the linoleum floor. He watched Terri with big yellow eyes, suspicious of her every movement but eager to be fed.

  “Hey, kitty. Long time no see.” She opened up the cabinet that held the cats’ food. Biscuits emitted a noise somewhere between a growl and a purr.

  “I get it.” Terri popped the top on a wet food can. “You’re cautious. You should be. It’s not like I’m exactly a staple here.”

  The sound of the front door opening made her glance over her shoulder, but she could only catch a glimpse of the living room. Logan must have gone out to the car for something.

  “Gives me more privacy to talk to you like you actually understand what I’m saying,” she told the cat, who had started walking in eager circles.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” a loud, familiar voice said.

  Terri froze, spoon in the wet cat food.

  Oh, no.

  Charlie had arrived.

  Chapter 18


  Pulse racing, Logan stared at the man standing across the living room. The sun had only just begun to set. Didn’t that mean Charlie was hours early?

  Not that it mattered now. The time to deal with this situation had finally arrived, and Logan was up to the challenge.


  “You recognize me, then,” he said in a calm voice. “Well, that’s that out of the way.”

  “Yeah, I recognize you.” Charlie’s dark brow furrowed. “Now you need to tell me what the hell you’re doing in my parents’ house. I’m two seconds away from calling the cops.”

  “He came with me.” Terri appeared in the kitchen doorway, pale.

  “What?” Charlie breathed. “Terri, what are you talking about?”

  “He came with me.” She took a few cautious steps into the living room.

  Then, as if suddenly making up her mind, she joined Logan at the mouth of the hallway.

  Charlie blinked and stared at them, looking exactly like the picture of shock. “Do you know who this man is?”

  “Logan Denton. Hedge fund manager.” She stood a little straighter. “And, yes, before you bring it up, I know that you’re investigating him.”

  Charlie’s jaw flexed. “You need to start explaining now, Terri. This man is dangerous.”

  “He’s not.” The absolute confidence in her voice made Logan look at her in surprise. Since when did she have so much faith in him?

  Before anyone could say another word, the door behind Charlie opened and Donna Lane entered the house.

  “Hello everyone,” she said, sounding fatigued. “Charlie, honey, I didn’t know you’d be here this soon.”

  Logan and Terri glanced at each other. Join the club.

  “You met Terri’s, um, friend?” She smiled warmly at Logan.

  “Mom.” Charlie gripped her shoulder. “Hold on a sec.”

  “We just met,” Logan jumped in, smiling big. “And we know of each other through work.”

  Charlie snorted. “Logan, get out of this house now. This is your last warning.”

  Donna’s eyes widened in shock. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s nothing!” Terri took a step toward her family. Even though she smiled, the fear was evident in her face. “Mom, you were right. Logan is my boyfriend. Charlie and he, they… don’t get along the best.”

  She cast her gaze at her brother, and a silent exchange must have happened because Charlie sighed and turned away.

  “I thought you said you know each other from work,” Donna said, looking at Logan.

  “Yes, and that’s how I met Terri.” He forced himself to smile in spite of his racing heart.

  “And what’s the problem here?” she asked, directing the question at her children.

  Charlie opened his mouth to answer, but Terri flew across the room and grabbed his arm.

  “It’s silly, Mom. Just a misunderstanding. In fact, we were about to talk it out when you came in.”

  Thankfully, Charlie said nothing. He only stood there, face pinched, watching Logan from the corner of his eye.

  “Hmm.” Donna’s lips pursed. “Well, make sure you do work it out, because there won’t be any fighting in this house. Especially not with your father in the hospital and there being enough stress as it is.”

  “How is Dad?” Charlie asked, showing the first hint of emotion that had nothing to do with rage.

  “Good. He’s resting. I came home to get some clean clothes and then I’m going back there.”

  “We’ll give you some space, Mom.” Terri tugged on Charlie’s arm. “The guys and I will hang out in the backyard.”

  Charlie got his feet moving, but not without casting a venomous stare at Logan on his way into the kitchen. The three of them tromped out the back door and into a yard enclosed by a wooden fence.

  “I’m listening.” Charlie stopped under the flood light and folded his arms across his chest.

  Terri cast a look at the house, making sure their mother wasn’t at a window listening. “We met in Vietnam.”

  Charlie spat out a curse. “I knew something weird was going on while you were there. You didn’t even lose your cell phone, did you?”

  “Hey, lay off her.” Logan took a half step in front of Terri, blocking her from Charlie’s view. “She didn’t do anything wrong, and if you give her a minute to explain, you’ll discover that.”

  Charlie turned beet red. He leaned to get a look at Terri. “Please tell me you weren’t telling Mom the truth when you said this guy is your boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Her soft touch on Logan’s arm made him breathe easier. He hadn’t known what to expect when this moment of truth came, but it was nice to feel she was on his side.

  “I care about Terri,” Logan said. “I have a personal interest in her safety.”

  Though her hand slipped from his arm, he didn’t miss the way she smiled at him. He hoped she knew his statement was anything
but an empty compliment.

  “Now will you please listen to us?” Terri implored. “And really, I mean just listen.”

  Charlie’s arms were still folded across his chest. A long moment went by… and then he nodded once.

  Terri and Logan shared a look.

  “Okay.” She drew a long breath. “Here’s what happened.”

  While they stood in the backyard, dogs barking in the neighborhood and a train going by somewhere in the distance, Terri told the full story, with Logan jumping in here and there with bits she’d overlooked. He made sure to let her do most of the talking, though, since her chance at successfully placating Charlie was a thousand times greater than his.

  They left nothing important out. From Logan hearing about Terri’s kidnapping to his buying her to their agreement to ask Charlie to pursue Bryce and the other traffickers in lieu of taking down Logan. It was all there.

  Except for the more personal parts of the story. Like where they kissed. Or where Logan constantly fought his attraction to a woman who didn’t know what she was getting into by falling for him.

  Those details would never need to be mentioned.

  When they finally finished, Charlie stood gawking at the two of them.

  “What do you think?” Terri asked.

  “You’re telling the truth?”

  “Every word.”

  “Damn,” he breathed, pressing a palm to his mouth. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Terri.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice cracked.

  Tears filling his eyes, he pulled her into a hug. Logan stood by awkwardly while they embraced, trying not to be jealous that someone else—even if it was her brother—was getting to touch Terri.

  “But it’s not about me anymore,” she said, stepping out of the hug. “I’m free. Other women aren’t. We need to help them.”

  Charlie nodded. “We’ll do what we can. I promise.”

  “Good.” She squeezed his hand. “And… Logan?”

  By the time Charlie’s eyes traveled from Terri to Logan, the love in them had been transmuted into pure hate. “You know we can do this without him.”

  Terri gasped, while Logan stiffened.


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